Ihor Melnyk was Eected as a Chairman of the UBA Committee on Agrarian Law

22 January 2016

The chairman election of the UBA Committee on Agrarian Law was ended on December 20, 2015. According voting results, Ihor Melnyk, Managing Partner of IMG Partners was elected as a Chairman.
We congratulate Mr. Melnyk with his appointment, where he’ll be able to demonstrate his professional abilities as an expert of agrarian sector!
As chairman of the Committee, Igor Melnyk plans to steer the direction of development and reform of the agrarian sector on the basis of international experience and interests of foreign investors.
With more than 10 years of experience in agrarian law, Igor Melnyk has a clear plan of action for the further functioning of the Committee, which primarily involves analyzing new legislation in the agrarian sector and developing ways for its future reform. The main goal of Igor Melnyk as chairman of the Committee is lobbying and protecting the interests of farmers in the process of reforming the agrarian sector.
We wish Mr. Melnyk success and enthusiasm for his new position!